
Thursday, 27 August 2020


Today morning  I wake up and had breackfast . Than I went to hold  my baby sister  . Than I went to the shop to by a  card for my brother he is 6 today it's his birtthday  so we got our dress .

Wednesday, 26 August 2020


today morning I wake and than went packandsave and brought some things for the house and now I am going to the laundry mat  I am going to take my diary and a book .

Tuesday, 25 August 2020


Today morning me and my sister up the house and didnour homework . Than we ate weet-bix  and  hot chocolate .  And than we had more homework and TV . After  that I to the shop with my nana and got  bread.

Monday, 24 August 2020


Todays morning we are clean up the house . And than I watch a movie with my baby sister . Afrter that me and my baby sister ate she ate milk  and I ate  weet -bix . Than I hold my baby sister.

Thursday, 20 August 2020


Today me and my sister and baby sister were watching the TV . Than me and my borther and helped my sister for her +s and - s .Afrter that we were getting dressed to get tessted. Than ate  and went up town.

Wednesday, 19 August 2020

The moring today

Today i was playing with my sister Aisha we were playing bingo and she won but the next round i won than we watch cocomelen than I helped my  sister with her homework her ABC 123 and colours and +s she was good . Arfter that we plyed with our baby sister she crying and laghing  and smiling  . Than we had a own disco  we are all sick but we have to get a test because our pack and save had covid 19 so we had to get a test  . Than we ate fish and chips .

Tuesday, 18 August 2020


Today in the morning  we wake up and clean up  the house . Than we ate some eggs with  sausages . Arfter that we watch tv and  than we help my little sister with her numbers and ABC and colours  than we played outside on our bikes . Than jumped on the beds .

Monday, 17 August 2020

In the morning on Monday

In the morning we all  clean up the house and than play outside on our bikes . than we ate some weet-bix and than played tag on our bikes . and than we played our own cross country and my borther won and we gave him a hug.

Friday, 14 August 2020

level 3

we are all on the last  of level 3  maybe not but we can sill see people online with our teacha and friends we maybe going on level 4 but thans ok we can stay home and be safe with your family so stay home and be safe for covd 19 .


Today we all got up early in the morning.we all had to get ready to say good bye to my nana Karen. she passed away on Tuesday.we were all sad my mum was really sad she was crying and my nana was crying we all cryed . Than we came back home and ate . Atfer that we watch a movie and ate some popcorn .Than we played outside on our bilkes and than had dinner and played a game.

Thursday, 13 August 2020


Today me and my sister played with our little baby sister  she was laghing at us than we played bingo my nana and mum played my nana won after that we had a water fight we had so much fun that we went to sleep and woke up and it was dinner  and had a movie night and some snacks

Find the missing numbers


Addition -4 digit numbers

Tuesday, 4 August 2020

addition and subtraction

captain underpants

As the sun rises and parper man delivers the newsparper , George wakes up singing . I Love satruday "  Dance George as he sings loudly . "when angthing possible  " Harold suddly wakes up and joins in sining. Both boys jump out of bed happily and looks great at each other at their windows . the boys dance on their living rooms and while jumping on the couch Harold replies. "I Love saturdays cause  I can watch TV all day" George looks over at his friend , horrified "I Love saturday cause I can wear my pyjame day".... " can pee a little bit in my underwear and no one will mind" Then thrwing awaynhis cercal bowl , Harold add.

Monday, 3 August 2020


3D shapes

The great wall of china

The ancient wall was built more than 2000 years ago . It was built by humans . It was made out of rook and dirt . The great wall of china was build to ofter protection from enemies . Their enemies were the mongols . it's a tourist the great wall of china is the longest structure.